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Health and Safety Policy for Flex Dance Inc Ltd.


Flex Dance takes seriously their responsibility to ensure the safety of their pupils. All pupils must complete a Registration Form when joining the school with clear information regarding emergency contacts and any relevant medical history.


A copy of emergency contact numbers will be kept on class registers.


  1. It is the parent's responsibility to notify the school of any changes to their emergency contact details

  2. In case of a Fire emergency all teachers have a clear understanding of responsibilities. They must be understood by all following the procedures of the relevant centre.

  3. The School will undertake regular assessment of risks regarding premises hired and any concerns will be raised with the providers

  4. We are committed to ensuring all employees/volunteers are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training

  5. It is the schools responsibility to keep a fully equipped First Aid Box at all hired premises. In case of an incident – an Accident / Incident report must be made

  6. If required the school will contact the emergency services first, then the parent / guardian of the student(s) involved by the telephone number on the class registers

  7. Parents understand that dance is as active as engagement as any sport, and whilst every effort is made to avoid them, injuries can happen. The school accepts no responsibility for injuries sustained via any means other than a teacher's negligence

  8. Pupils will be supervised during class time only and parents / carers must ensure the safety of their children in the waiting, changing and toilet areas

  9. Students/parents or guardians should inform the teacher of any special health considerations or existing injuries before participating in class

  10. Parents must be responsible for ensuring your child's punctuality. Teachers are not available to supervise late pickups. Students may be refused entry if they are continuously late for class as they are missing out on warming up safely for class

  11. Dress code must be observed at all times, especially uniform for safe dance practice. Only indoor dance shoes to be worn in the studio to protect the floor and for health and safety

  12. Pupils should not wear any jewellery that may pose a risk to themselves or others (stud earrings, and jewellery worn for religious or cultural reasons are acceptable

  13. No food (or chewing gum) is allowed in the studio. Water is permitted in cap bottles



Flex Dance Directors Samantha & Stephanie


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